Friday, September 28, 2012

DnD Encounters Update

Hey fellow dungeon crawlers,

With the large Magic event in the store on Saturday, we won't have space to play and I am postponing Encounters for a week. That leaves us with some options:

  • Skip this session and I'll cover what happened in the story when we meet the following week.
  • Play two sessions next week.
  • Fall behind a week.
Let me know what players are wanting. And send me an email with your contact information and character stats, as I think that is a better way to alert cancellations.

As for last week's recap: we found Hothgar captive under a mysterious assassin. Half the team cowardly fled the fight once a poison cloud broke free, and the other half eventually died while outnumbered. So, a perfectly legitimate strategy for a team of drows.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Return to Ravnica

Return the grand halls and amazing vistas of the planetwide city-scape of RAVNICA.

The next MAGIC set is going to be spectacular!

Join us for a Pre-Release on Saturday September 29 at noon and get the cards first, along with the promo card and other extra goodies we'll be giving out. Come early to get a seat and pick your Guild (first come, first served)!

Return to Ravnica Launch Party will be the following Friday. Pre-order your cards at the Pre-Release!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

New Star Wars Miniatures Game

The new Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures game is in the store now! Come check it out, and fly as Wedge, Luke, or Darth Vader...

This innovative game is based on the dog fighting ships of the original Star Wars trilogy - X-Wings, Y-Wings, Tie Fighters, and Advanced Tie round out the first miniatures available - but more are sure to follow. With fun and exciting game play, this new edition to the Star Wars franchise is sure to please, and can be used alongside the upcoming Star Wars RPG.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

DnD Encounters - Council of Spiders Week 4

Greetings all!

On the third week, our party was split due to a cave in and only half the party was able to catch up to the traitorous Drow (isn't that a redundant statement?), and with some effort managed to subdue her.

Last week, our party moved on with a new quest from the mysterious heads of their households. Having learned the whereabouts of the missing head of House Xorlarrin, our team struck offensively at this hidden household of mages. Belgos (spelling?) managed to put most of the mages to sleep, and while everyone else fought them valiantly Callie's acrobatic display with the tapestries impressively ended the fight.

This upcoming Saturday will have Taylor temporarily taking over for me as DM while I try out a character. I'll be playing a Drow Bard named Brezn'r who gave up her training as a priestess after an incident cost her dearly. More on her character as it develops, but be warned; she is devious - even for a Drow.

Friday, September 7, 2012

DnD Encounters - Council of Spiders Week 2

Hey everyone!

We are now taking part in Wizard's DnD Encounters. Actually, we've been during it for the past two weeks. That's fine, as players are welcomed to drop in and out over the next six weeks.

For those curious about Dungeons and Dragons, this is the perfect chance to try it out. Encounters is a weekly session lasting between one and two hours where we follow along with an official adventure from Wizards. The current season is "Council of Spiders" where players can make Drow (or select others) and adventure to see how the future of the Drow society is impacted by Lolth's decision to take over Mystra's Weave.

Sessions run on Saturdays from 1300 to 1500 at Paladin.
We are running 4th edition rules, though with some house rules to make it more enjoyable.

And for a recap, the adventurers have been sent to claim an ancient altar in the name of Lloth, only to be attacked by creatures that destroyed the previous party sent by the Drow. In the second week, the players survived an ambush of Svirfneblin (stone gnomes) and are closing in on the altar's location.

New Website

Welcome to the new website!

As you can see, we've gone with a blog. So you'll be able to see updates to the store such as upcoming events, what happened at past events, interesting inventory that's come in to the stores. All sorts of helpful knowledge can be shared with you.

As for the old forums, we are working on saving the data from those and adding them to the new one.

Any questions or concerns, you know how to reach us (it's on the sidebar to the right for convenience).